where self-care meets creativity 💌

heliotropic: the growth or movement of a plant towards the sun. From Greek hēliotropion, from hēlios "sun."

Heliotropic is a weekly dispatch sharing inspiration and support to create and live well.

We’re all creative, but not all of us allow ourselves to be.

Creative minds are self-regulating. They make life more beautiful. They’re better at solving problems, envisioning new ways of doing things and perceiving possibilities.

Creativity is fundamental to human nature. Yet unfortunately for many of us, systemic and internalised blocks tend to get in the way of it. I know this first hand.

Over the past few years, I’ve focused on cultivating my creativity and found a strong connection between creativity and healing.

Creativity needs a calm nervous system to flourish. Being creative calms the nervous system. Like the upward spiral of a sunflower as it grows towards the sun — a focus on creativity is a self-perpetuating, life-affirming, healing act 🌀

What you’ll receive

  • Essays exploring what makes for a creative life that spirals upwards. 🌀

  • Fortnightly Heliotropic List of 7 things to inspire creativity — art, music, podcasts, recipes and more.

  • Ever-evolving and expanding offerings to support creativity.

Subscribe for weekly drops of inspiration to read with your morning coffee. Read through the archives here.

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Inspiration to create and live well. Offerings to support creativity.